Underground Civil

Agapito Associates LLC provides mining engineering services to the underground civil construction industry.

Recent projects include large underground mined storage caverns, highway tunnels, nuclear waste disposal facilities and underground mines converted to specialty manufacturing facilities.  Agapito Associates has capabilities in the following areas:


  • Rock mechanics including laboratory testing
  • Underground ventilation engineering
  • Excavation planning, including geologic modeling and operations scheduling, staffing requirements
  • Detailed excavation design, including geotechnical analysis, infrastructure requirements, and costing
  • Ground control and subsidence engineering
  • Blasting engineering
  • Pre-excavation exploration programs
  • Geotechnical instrumentation installation
Jurong Cavern
Tim Ross (AAI), Tim Reichwein and Stephen Cormier (PBESS), and Chin Hwi Gan (PBPL Singapore) (left to right)
Underground Storage Cavern in China
Underground Storage Cavern in China

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Project Summaries & Publications: Underground Civil Engineering

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