Timothy A. Ross, P.E.Vice President/Board Member

    Mr. Ross has over 40 years of experience; including 20 years managing mining operations and 20 years as a mining engineering consultant.  He specializes in underground mining and has extensive experience in design and construction of mined caverns for storage of hydrocarbons, hard rock mining of metals and stone, and soft rock mining of coal and other bedded deposits. His capabilities include ground control design and ground control problem resolution, feasibility studies and economic evaluations, long- and short-range mine planning, equipment selection, staffing, scheduling, and new mine start-up.  He is a registered professional engineer in Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.  He is also a Registered Member of the SME.

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    Mike Hardy photoPortrait photo of Chris Ross