Eric BuschPresident/Principal/Board Member, Grand Junction, Colorado

    Mr. Busch has over 20 years in salt mining and underground storage engineering and operations. He specializes in underground storage in salt caverns and salt cavern leaching with a focus on multi-discipline team leadership, drilling and completions, operational integration, and integrity testing. Mr. Busch has extensive experience in underground storage, salt caverns, and depleted reservoirs that includes site selection, front-end engineering and design, storage project due diligence, cavern integrity principles, salt cavern leaching, gas and liquid storage operations, drilling and completions of large-diameter wellbores, and regulatory and compliance best practices to include permitting.

    Mr. Busch has been on the Solution Mining Research Institute Executive Committee for 4 years and is currently serving as the Vice President. Additionally, he was an author and reviewer for the development and approval of American Petroleum Institute (API) documents 1170, 1171, and 1115 outlining the best practices for natural gas storage operators and liquid storage operators.

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