Sandia National Laboratories AAI was contracted to Sandia National Laboratories to provide geotechnical, analytical, and field services to the Yucca Mountain site characterization studies in the [...]
Parsons Corporation-Colorado Department of Transportation In 2010, Agapito Associates, Inc. (AAI) provided support to Parsons Corporation in preparing a plan to rehabilitate cross passage 5 in [...]
Colorado School of Mines Quarterly, 81(3):1–50, July 1986 Authors: J. F. T. Agapito (AAI) During the last three decades, the mining and construction industries have required that underground [...]
Tunnelling ’91, London, England, Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, 14–18 April 1991 Authors: M. P. Hardy, A. M. Richardson, M. Lin, and J. F. T. Agapito (AAI) In recent years, [...]
Geo-Strata, Fall 2003, pp. 9–12 Author: F. S. Kendorski (AAI) Rock reinforcement has been accepted in mining and construction since the 1950s. The longevity of rock reinforcement is often [...]