Elk Creek Geotechnical Program Agapito Associates, Inc. (AAI) has been involved in long-term geotechnical investigation and design at the Oxbow Mining, LLC, Elk Creek Mine, dating back to the [...]
Weeminuche Construction Authority After detailed design of cable trenches and final instrument specifications included as part of the instrument procurement process, AAI mobilized a field crew to [...]
Instrumentation Installation The field work at the Kimballton Mine in Ripplemeade, Virginia, includes NX sample coring of the roof and floor of the 15E level of the mine, USBM-method overcore [...]
Longwall Gateroad Analysis AAI performed a comparative stability evaluation for the East Longwall Panel 8 Gateroads. Four different gateroads were analyzed, including three- and four-entry [...]
West Ridge Resources, Inc. (WRRI) commissioned Agapito Associates, Inc. (AAI) to analyze subsidence potential from planned longwall mining in the vicinity of the Grassy Trail reservoir adjacent [...]
Parsons Corporation-Colorado Department of Transportation In 2010, Agapito Associates, Inc. (AAI) provided support to Parsons Corporation in preparing a plan to rehabilitate cross passage 5 in [...]
3rd International Workshop on Coal Pillar Mechanics and Design, Morgantown, West Virginia, July 26, 2010 Authors: Tom Vandergrift and David Conover (AAI) Currently accepted longwall abutment [...]
29th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, West Virginia, July 27–29, 2010 Authors: D. Conover and T. Ross (AAI) and D. Bigby (Golder Associates (UK) Ltd) Extensive [...]
West Elk Mine—Somerset, CO AAI has provided underground geotechnical engineering services to Mountain Coal Company’s West Elk Mine since the 1980s. Services include installation of geotechnical [...]
Canyon Fuel Company Longwall Mining—Shield Support Densities AAI has performed a full range of geotechnical analyses for SUFCO in support of their longwall operations, including pillar design, [...]
23rd U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, University of California Berkeley, California, 25–28 August 1982 Authors: C. M. St. John (Consultant), and M. P. Hardy (AAI) The paper discusses an approach [...]