
Agapito Associates LLC offers the equipment and personnel to install rock mechanics instrumentation from surface to deep underground.

We install a range of specialized instrumentation for rock mechanics investigations, including:

  • Borehole deformation gauges (hydraulic tube or electrical with pressure transducer)
  • Borehole vibrating wire stressmeters
  • Extensometers (single and multipoint borehole extensometers)
  • Convergence stations
  • Inclinometers
  • Piezometers
  • Thermistors
  • Tiltmeters
  • Time domain reflectometry (TDR) cables
  • Instrumented packers
  • Fiberoptic cables
  • Datalogger, telemetry, and warning systems for monitored instruments

In addition to installing instruments, Agapito engineers can provide complete system design for rock mechanics applications.  Agapito Associates engineers can monitor ground response and provide expert interpretation of observed phenomena to support client’s needs, whether during planning, construction, or active operations.

Agapito also provides consulting to recommend effective instrumentation programs to monitor rock movement and stress changes.  We can install instrumentation to monitor groundwater and gas pressure changes from surface or underground boreholes.

Agapito has the expertise and experience to design and install BPCs (borehole pressure cells), vibrating wire instruments, fiber optic instruments, inclinometers, sagmeters (tell-tales), soft inclusion stress cells (SISCs), stress measurements, extensometers, TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) cables and piezometers.  Agapito maintains data loggers and read-out equipment for a wide variety of instrumentation and is capable of installing instrumentation to meet MSHA’s requirements in gassy mines.

Data logger installation
Data logger installation
Borehole Pressure Cells
AAI geologist installing borehole pressure cells (as many as three BPCs are installed in one borehole). Each BPC is set to a specified depth, oriented, and then pressurized before the next one is placed into the borehole.

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Project Summaries & Publications: Instrumentation

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