Mining Engineering Support for Underground Mined Storage Caverns
Since 2003, Agapito Associates, Inc. (AAI) has provided mining engineering support to PBESS for their underground mined hydrocarbon storage cavern business. This has included (1) design and construction support for multi-product caverns in China and Singapore, (2) design and construction support for one single product cavern in West Virginia, and (3) stability analysis for multiple existing caverns that are approaching their design life. AAI’s participation in these projects has included:
Cavern layout and design
- Development of excavation geometries
- Design of installed ground support
- Confirmation of cavern stability with numerical modeling
- Assist with mining related surface infrastructure and facilities layout and design
- Confirm adequacy of the excavation and ground support design during construction
- Assist with confirming construction compliance with excavation and ground support
- Evaluation and approval of drill and blasting plans
- Evaluation and approval of ventilation plans