Barrick Goldstrike Mines, Inc. AAI performed an evaluation of geotechnical data and rock mass quality for the Meikle ore body. Results from this evaluation were used for structural stability estimations of proposed stopes using bench and cemented fill mining methods. Included in this study were evaluations of rock strength, joint characteristics, RQD, structural geology, and anticipated stress conditions. This data was then used for structural stability evaluations based on empirical methods and numerical modeling techniques. Structural stability based on rock quality was compared to data from other mines already experienced in bench-and-fill and drift-and-fill mining where AAI has provided engineering services. Comparison of geotechnical data from exploration holes has resulted in increased confidence in the suitability of the proposed mining method to the Meikle ore body. Other services provided by AAI have been cemented fill design and strength testing of various mixes from material available on site.